为了确定芪白平肺颗粒的最佳制粒工艺条件,该研究考察了辅料、送料速度、轧轮转速、轧轮压力对干法制粒工艺的影响。以颗粒一次成型率、吸湿性和溶化性为指标确定了辅料种类及用量,再通过单因素考察试验并结合Box-Behnken响应面法,以送料速度、轧轮转速、轧轮压力为自变量,颗粒一次成型率为因变量,优化干法制粒工艺参数,得到芪白平肺颗粒最佳工艺条件为:稀释剂乳糖最佳比例为干浸膏-乳糖1∶2;轧轮压力6.4 MPa、轧轮转速10.9 Hz、送料速度7.2 Hz。通过3批放大工艺验证,显示优化后的工艺参数制备出的芪白平肺颗粒具有成型率高、溶化性好、吸湿率低等优点。结果表明芪白平肺颗粒干法制粒优化后的工艺参数合理、可行、重复性好,为以后该产品产业化应用提供依据。
To determine the optimum process conditions for dry granulating technique of Qibai Pingfei granule,granule excipient type,rolling wheel speed and pressure and feeding speed were studied. Taking shaping rate at a time,moisture absorption and dissolubility as index,the type and amount of granule excipient were determined. In addition,taking shaping rate at a time as index,parameters of rolling wheel speed and pressure and feeding speed were researched through single factor test and response surface methodology.The optimum parameters were as follows: lactose as excipient,dry extract powder to excipient at 1∶ 2,rolling wheel speed and pressure at 10. 9 Hz and 6. 4 MPa and feeding speed at 7. 2 Hz. After validation of three batches pilot-scale production,the optimum processing parameters for dry granulating technique of Qibai Pingfei granule is reasonable and feasible,which can provide reliable basis for production.
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica