
交流、反思、嬗变——从人物塑造看品特戏剧的净化艺术 被引量:6

Communication, Reflection, Evolution: Art of Purification in Pinter's Plays from the Perspective of Characterization
摘要 戏剧人物形象的塑造是实现戏剧净化功能的重要途径之一,品特的戏剧人物形象并非始终一成不变,其三个创作时期即威胁喜剧、记忆剧和政治剧中的人物艺术特征是动态变化的。本文从接受美学的净化理论出发,以品特戏剧的人物塑造作为切入点,阐述品特戏剧独特的交流、反思、嬗变的心灵净化方式及其艺术效果。 Characterization is one of the important means of achieving purifica- tion in playwriting. Variability and dynamic changes among Harold Pinter's characters can be found respectively in the three different stages of his writing, namely his menace plays, memory plays and political plays. Based on the notion of purification in aesthetics of reception, and artistic techniques of characterization, this paper tries to explore Pinter's unique style of purification and the artistic effects of communication, reflection and evo- lution in his plays.
作者 刘明录
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期120-127,共8页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金项目<接受美学视域下的品特戏剧研究>(13BWW049)的阶段性成果
关键词 品特 人物塑造 交流 净化 Harold Pinter, characterization, communication, purification
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