目的:评估《上海贫困老年人全口义齿免费修复项目》对受益人口腔健康相关生活质量的影响。方法:对参加该项目的所有受益人采用等比例随机抽样方法,抽取281人为研究对象,进行问卷调查。调查内容包括:(1)使用口腔健康影响程度量表简化中文版(OHIP-14)评估全口义齿修复前后的口腔健康生活质量(OH-Qo L);(2)全口义齿修复前后口腔健康状况的自我评估。结果:全口义齿修复前及修复后的OH IP-14总分均值分别为22.03±14.04及4.04±5.07,OHIP-14 7个领域修复后得分均低于修复前得分。全口义齿修复前92.5%的研究对象经历过口腔问题带来的负面影响,修复后1.7%报告有负面影响。全口义齿修复前28.60%的研究对象自我评价口腔健康状况差或很差,修复后44.00%的研究对象认为口腔健康状况得到明显改善,40.10%认为得到非常明显的改善。结论:全口义齿免费修复项目的实施改善了受益老年人的口腔健康状况,提高了他们的OH-Qo L。
Objective: To assess the impact of the complete denture restorationprogram on oral health-related quality of life for poor elders living in Shanghai area. Methods: 281 participants of the program were recruited by stratified random sampling. A questionnaire survey was performed, includingthe Oral Health Impact Profile-14(OHIP-14) for measuring the oral health-related quality of life(OHQoL) and self-rated oral health before and after wearing the complete denture.Results: The mean OHIP-14 before and after restoration was 22.03±14.04 and 4.04±5.07, respectively. The OHIP-14 scores of all 7 subscalesafter restorationwere lower than those before wearing the complete denture. 92.5% participants had negative feelingsbefore wearing the complete denture due to poor oral health, while only 1.7% underwent negative experiencesafter wearing the complete denture. Self-rated oral health was consideredbad or very bad in 28.6% participants before wearing the complete denture, whileit was considered improved or muchimprovedin 84.1% participantsafter wearing the complete denture. Conclusion: The complete denture restoration program improved OHQoL of shanghai poor elders.
Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry