林业调查设计,一般采用地形图,深入实地对坡勾绘,费时费力,劳动强度大,专业而不直观。利用Google earth所提供近期较清晰的免费卫星、航空影像资源,辅以少量实地补充调查,能大大减轻工作量,提高工作效率和精度,结合Auto CAD制图软件,得到影像地图,直观明了,便于生产实践活动过程中的操作和应用。
In forest inventory and design,mapping is accomplished by practical drawing with facing toward the slope using the topographic map,which is time consuming and labor wasting.Google Earth could provide recent clear free aviation image of the satellite resources and could greatly reduce the workload and improve the work efficiency and accuracy.Combined with Auto CAD,the image and map was directly self-specification and easy to be operated in practice.
Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology