针对ARM Cortex-M4平台上MQX系统运行调度实现中最关键的任务上下文切换的实现,在对处理器的硬件特性的分析基础上,重点剖析MQX任务调度过程的底层实现方法,从调度指令级别深层次解析SVC调用和Pend SV调用的实现过程,揭示了MQX任务调度上下文切换的实质。实验对比MQX的上下文切换时间大大少于μC/OS-Ⅱ和FreeRTOS,对其高效调度机制的研究工作具有实践意义和应用推广价值。
Aiming at the realisation of task context switch, which is the very key in realising MQX system operation scheduling on ARM Cortex-M4 platform, we made the elaborate anatomy on the underlying implementation approach of MQX task scheduling process based on analysing the hardware feature of the processor. By resolving the implementation processes of SVC ( supervisor call) and PendSV ( pendable supervisor) from the deep-seated scheduling instruction level, we revealed the essence of context switch in MQX task scheduling. Experimen- tal comparison shows the time of context switch of MQX is much less than that of uC/OS II and FreeRTOS. This has practical significance and applied promotion value for the research work on efficient schedule mechanism of MQX.
Computer Applications and Software