
降低成本 提高冶金矿山资源综合利用水平 被引量:10

Reducing costs and improving the level of metallurgical mineral resources development and utilization
摘要 中国冶金矿山面临资源禀赋劣势愈发明显、铁矿石储量逐年减少、国民经济对铁、锰资源的刚性需求持续增强以及生态环境恶化的诸多挑战,因此需要在探索中国黑色冶金矿山矿产资源高效合理开发利用及可持续发展的有效途径。通过对中国铁矿资源开发利用水平现状及存在问题的深入分析,认为中国黑色冶金矿山矿产资源开发利用的出路在于降低成本和开展资源综合利用,可以从国家扶持、税收调节、科技创新、管理创新、尾矿利用、扩大激励范畴等6个方面降低黑色冶金矿山生产成本、提高黑色冶金矿产资源的综合利用水平,进而提高中国黑色冶金矿产品核心竞争力。 Metallurgical mines in our country faces resources endowment disadvantage has significantly reduced year by year, the national economy, iron ore reserves of iron, manganese resources rigid demand continues to increase, and the challenges of ecological environment deterioration. The purpose is to explore China's ferrous metallurgical mines efficient and reasonable development and utilization of mineral resources and the effective way to sustainable development of ferrous metallurgical mines in China mineral resources development and utilization level of current situation and existing problems of in-depth analysis. It comes to the conclusion that China's ferrous metallurgical mines way out is to reduce the cost of exploitation and utilization of mineral resources and comprehensive utilization of resources, from the national support, tax adjustment, technology innovation, management innovation, railings u- tilization, expand incentives category in six aspects, such as ferrous metallurgical mine production to reduce costs, improve the comprehensive utilization of ferrous metallurgical mineral resources, China's ferrous metallurgical miner- al core competitiveness can be improved.
出处 《中国冶金》 CAS 2015年第8期48-53,共6页 China Metallurgy
关键词 黑色冶金矿山 成本 综合利用 科技创新 ferrous metallurgy cost comprehensive utilization technology innovation
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