目的:分析探讨超声在肝脓肿的诊断和治疗中的效果。方法选择我院2012年1月~2013年12月之间收治的42例肝脓肿患者作为观察对象,对全部患者实施二维及彩色多普勒检查诊断,观察患者肝脓肿病灶的形态、大小、回声和血流状况。结果42例患者超声显示典型肝脓肿病灶有32例,病灶为圆形或者类圆形囊实性混合性肿物、边界模糊,壁厚,内壁不光滑,中心部为低回声、可见片状液性暗区, CDFI :肿物周边或内部可检出较丰富血流信号;非典型肝脓肿6例,肿物呈现不均匀中等及低回声,边界模糊,CDFI :未检出明显血流信号;诊断不明确患者4例。结论超声诊断对于肝脓肿病灶具有较好的定位作用,是当前对肝脓肿患者进行临床诊断的首选方法。
Objective To analyze effects of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of liver abscess. Methods From January 2012 to December 2013, 42 patients with liver abscess were treated as research object, for all patients with two-dimensional and color Doppler examination in the diagnosis of liver abscess lesions were observed the morphology, size, echo and blood flow condition. Results 42 cases with liver abscess lesions in 32 cases, ultrasound demonstrates a typical lesions as round or class round solid cystic mixed mass, fuzzy boundaries, wall thickness, the lining is not smooth, the center for low echo, visible flake liquid dark space, of a CDFI:lumps peripheral and internal can be detected with abundant blood flow signals, 6 cases of atypical liver abscess, the mass present uneven medium and low echo, fuzzy boundaries, of a CDFI: not obvious blood flow signal detection, 4 patients with diagnosis is not clear. Conclusion Ultrasound diagnosis for the liver abscess lesions has good positioning effect, is the current method of choice for clinical diagnosis for patients with liver abscess.
China Continuing Medical Education
Liver abscess
Ultrasound diagnosis
Clinical effect