Aimed at reducing obvious sunlight reflections caused by the smooth ocean mesh and differentiating the color betw een the crest w ave and the trough w ave,a new per-pixel shading approach based on modified dispersion relationship and stage sampling w as proposed. The modified dispersion relationship increased the frequency of the short w ave w hile the frequency of the long w ave almost stayed the same. According to the increasing proportion of the frequency,different stages w ere applied w hile sampling from the Phillips spectrum. In this w ay,the defect of the Phillips spectrum,w hich restrains the short w ave and highlights the long w ave,w as overcome.The per-pixel shading approach w as proposed to combine the w ater-leaving radiance and the choppiness of the w ave,so that the crest w ave and the trough w ave could be shaded differently w ith the minimal computational cost. All computation and rendering during the simulation process w as on GPU. The experimental results show that the reality of the ocean w as effectively improved w hile the frame rate remained basically unchanged.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems