在对质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)进行热分析的基础上,搭建起36k W的燃料电池发动机散热系统的测试平台。借助测试平台,对燃料电池散热系统作了极端工况测试分析。分析表明,该散热系统能满足系统的散热要求。此外通过对不同组合散热风扇的散热能力进行了测试,积累了大量的基础数据和控制经验。最后以电堆出水温度误差、温度误差变化量和燃料电池功率为输入量,散热风扇的运行组数为输出量,制定出一套三维模糊控制规则。结果表明,该模糊控制规则能够保证燃料电池工作在最佳温度区间,温控误差符合设计要求。
Based on the thermal analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, the test platform of 36 kW fuel cell engine cooling system was built. Then, the extreme condition test analysis was conducted for cooling system on the platform. It can be found that the cooling system can satisfy the cooling requirement of the system. In addition, a large amount of basic data and control experience are accumulated through testing the cooling capacity of different combinations of cooling fans. At last, a three dimensional fuzzy control rules are established, while inputs are the water temperature error of stack outlet, the temperature error variation and the fuel cell power, and the output is the group number of running cooling fan. Results show that the fuzzy control rules can guarantee the fuel cell works in a suitable temperature range and the temperature control error meets its design requirements.
Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress