
武汉市某高校学生血清中全氟烷酸水平及暴露途径初步研究 被引量:4

A preliminary study on perfluoroalkyl acids levels in serum and exposure pathways for students from a university in Wuhan
摘要 采用高效液相色谱-电喷雾负离子源串联质谱法(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS)对武汉市某大学学生血清、膳食、自来水及室内生活环境灰尘中13种全氟烷酸(PFAAs)的浓度水平进行了检测.PFOS、PFOA和PFHx S是学生血清中PFAAs的主要检出物,浓度均值分别为5.28、1.89、1.04 ng·m L-1.PFBS是膳食、自来水中PFAAs的主要检出物,浓度均值分别为0.20 ng·g-1、1.93 ng·L-1.不同类型室内灰尘样品中PFAAs的浓度差别较大,实验室灰尘样品中PFHx S、PFOS、PFOA显著高于学生宿舍(P<0.05).根据学生血清中PFAAs含量,通过单室代谢模型反推估算学生每日PFOS、PFOA摄入量分别为0.49、0.27 ng·kg-1b.w.·d-1;根据膳食、自来水及室内灰尘中PFAAs含量及平均每日摄入量,计算学生每日PFOS、PFOA摄入量分别为0.66、0.58 ng·kg-1b.w.·d-1;通过比较以上两种方法得出的摄入量数值,分析PFOS、PFOA在学生体内的可利用度分别为74.2%、46.6%.此外,对学生暴露PFOS、PFOA的暴露途径及健康风险进行初步分析:膳食是学生暴露于PFOS、PFOA的首要途径,学生通过膳食、自来水和室内灰尘摄入的PFOS、PFOA总量远低于安全阈值. Perfluoroalkyl acids( PFAAs) were quantified in students' serum,tap water,diet,and indoor dust samples collected from a university in Wuhan by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry( HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). PFHx S、PFOS and PFOA were the major PFAAs in serum,with mean concentrations of 5. 28,1. 89,1. 04 ng·m L- 1,respectively. PFBS was the dominant PFAA in diet and drinking water,with mean concentration of 0. 20 ng·g- 1,1. 93 ng·L- 1,respectively. Concentrations in different types ofindoor dust samples varied greatly,mean concentrations of PFHx S,PFOS,PFOA in dust samples from laboratory were significantly higher( P〈 0. 05) than those from students' dormitories. Daily intakes of PFOS,PFOA estimated by one- compartment model based on concentrations of PFOS,PFOA in serum were 0. 49,0. 27 ng·kg- 1b. w.·d- 1,respectively. Daily intakes of PFOS,PFOA calculated by concentrations formula of average daily intakes based on concentrations of PFOS were0. 66,0. 58 ng·kg- 1b. w.·d- 1,respectively. Comparing intakes estimated by these two apporoaches,it was estimated that the bioavailability of PFOS,PFOA could be 74. 2%,46. 6% in human,respectively. Further analysis of exposure pathway showed that diet was the most important way for students to be exposed to PFOS and PFOA. Daily intakes of PFOS,PFOA through diet,drinking water,and indoor dust were much lower than the threshold.
出处 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1424-1432,共9页 Environmental Chemistry
基金 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"(NCET-11-0964) 国家自然科学青年基金(21107128) 国家自然科学基金(21477049 21277062)资助
关键词 全氟烷酸 血清 自来水 膳食 灰尘 每日摄入量 perfluoroalkyl acids serum drinking water diet dust dairy intake
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