The Local Analysis Prediction System (LAPS) is used in this study to assimilate the sea surface vector wind (SSW) data observed by HY-2 satellite, and to obtain the standardized reanalysis data. Through a multi-step data preprocessing procedure, the SSW of HY-2 is input into LAPS system. After analysis and verification, the results show that, in order to effectively fuse the HY-2 satellite SSW data, the Surface Data Ingest module of LAPS is required to input the SSW data, and the input channel is better than other ways. Raw data is preprocessed by several steps, including outliers elimination, satellite scanning grids numerical treatment, data smoothing etc. The preproeessing methods can amend the inherent bias and filter out the noise of raw data. The results of cross-validation show that preprocessed data can effectively preserve the fine scale information of the raw data. Regional fusion of SSW in LAPS improves the coverage of HY-2 satellite in spatial and temporal variabilities, provides a field that can be used to calculate physical diagnosis in standard regional zone, and satisfies the requirements of analysis and study. The LAPS fusion products can be used in various numerical analyses and diagnoses on the weather systems over the sea, such as typhoon, subtropical high, and convergence zone, and it can provide a more detailed and quantitative description for spatial and temporal features of meso-scale systems in large scale circulation background above the sea surface.
Marine Forecasts