Pancreaticobiliary junction is composed of complex structure with which biliary duct and pancreatic duct assemble and go out into the ampulla of Vater during duodenum wall surrounding the sphincter of Oddi.Although the sphincter of Oddi functionally prevents the reflux of pancreatic juice,pancreaticobiliary reflux(PBR) occurs when function of the sphincter of Oddi halt.The anatomically abnormal junction is termed pancreaticobiliary maljunction(PBM) and is characterized by pancreatic and bile ducts joining outside of the duodenal wall.PBM is an important anatomical finding because many studies have revealed that biliary malignancies are related due to the carcinogenetic effect of the pancreatic back flow on the biliary mucosa.On the other hand,several studies have been published on the reflux of pancreatic juice into the bile duct without morphological PBM,and the correlation of such cases with biliary diseases,especially biliary malignancies,is drawing considerable attention.Although it has long been possible to diagnose PBM by various imaging modalities,PBR without PBM has remained difficult to assess.Therefore,the pathological features of PBR without PBM have not been yet fully elucidated.Lately,a new method of diagnosing PBR without PBM has appeared,and the features of PBR without PBM should soon be better understood.
Pancreaticobiliary junction is composed of complexstructure with which biliary duct and pancreatic ductassemble and go out into the ampulla of Vater duringduodenum wall surrounding the sphincter of Oddi.Although the sphincter of Oddi functionally preventsthe reflux of pancreatic juice, pancreaticobiliary reflux(PBR) occurs when function of the sphincter of Oddihalt. The anatomically abnormal junction is termedpancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM) and is characterizedby pancreatic and bile ducts joining outside of theduodenal wall. PBM is an important anatomical findingbecause many studies have revealed that biliarymalignancies are related due to the carcinogenetic effectof the pancreatic back flow on the biliary mucosa. Onthe other hand, several studies have been published onthe reflux of pancreatic juice into the bile duct withoutmorphological PBM, and the correlation of such caseswith biliary diseases, especially biliary malignancies, isdrawing considerable attention. Although it has longbeen possible to diagnose PBM by various imagingmodalities, PBR without PBM has remained difficult toassess. Therefore, the pathological features of PBRwithout PBM have not been yet fully elucidated. Lately,a new method of diagnosing PBR without PBM hasappeared, and the features of PBR without PBM shouldsoon be better understood.