The introduction of wireless capsule endoscopy in 2000 has revolutionized our ability to visualize parts of the small bowel mucosa classically unreached by the conventional endoscope, and since the recent introduction of colon capsule endoscopy, a promising alternative method has been available for the evaluation of large bowel mucosa. The advantages of wireless capsule endoscopy include its non-invasive character and its ability to visualize proximal and distal parts of the intestine, while important disadvantages include the procedure's inability of tissue sampling and significant incompletion rate. Its greatest limitation is the prohibited use in cases of known or suspected stenosis of the intestinal lumen due to high risk of retention. Wireless capsule endoscopy plays an important role in the early recognition of recurrence, on Crohn's disease patients who have undergone ileocolonic resection for the treatment of Crohn's disease complications, and in patients' management and therapeutic strategy planning, before obvious clinical and laboratory relapse. Although capsule endoscopy cannot replace traditional endoscopy, it offers valuable information on the evaluation of intestinal disease and has a significant impact on disease reclassification of patients with a previous diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease unclassified/indeterminate colitis. Moreover, it may serve as an effective alternative where colonoscopy is contraindicated and in cases with incomplete colonoscopy studies. The use of patency capsule maximizes safety and is advocated in cases of suspected small or large bowel stenosis.
The introduction of wireless capsule endoscopy in2000 has revolutionized our ability to visualize partsof the small bowel mucosa classically unreached bythe conventional endoscope, and since the recentintroduction of colon capsule endoscopy, a promisingalternative method has been available for the evaluationof large bowel mucosa. The advantages of wirelesscapsule endoscopy include its non-invasive characterand its ability to visualize proximal and distal parts ofthe intestine, while important disadvantages include theprocedure's inability of tissue sampling and significantincompletion rate. Its greatest limitation is the prohibiteduse in cases of known or suspected stenosis of theintestinal lumen due to high risk of retention. Wirelesscapsule endoscopy plays an important role in theearly recognition of recurrence, on Crohn's diseasepatients who have undergone ileocolonic resection forthe treatment of Crohn's disease complications, andin patients' management and therapeutic strategyplanning, before obvious clinical and laboratory relapse.Although capsule endoscopy cannot replace traditionalendoscopy, it offers valuable information on theevaluation of intestinal disease and has a significantimpact on disease reclassification of patients with aprevious diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or inflammatorybowel disease unclassified/indeterminate colitis.Moreover, it may serve as an effective alternativewhere colonoscopy is contraindicated and in cases withincomplete colonoscopy studies. The use of patencycapsule maximizes safety and is advocated in cases ofsuspected small or large bowel stenosis.