
弗吉尼亚栎种子产量、脱落过程与种子形态特征的变异及稳定性 被引量:10

Variation and Stability of Seed Yield,Fall-off Process,Seed Size and Form in Live Oak
摘要 通过对弗吉尼亚栎引种人工林的调查观察,探讨其种子产量、脱落过程与种子形态特征的变异规律。在浙江省绍兴市上虞区滨海盐土上栽种的树龄9~11年生、栽植密度1200株·hm-2的弗栎林分中,2012—2014年间随机标定35~42株母树定期观测脱落种子质量和年产量,并分析相同母树的种子产量、脱落期和种子大小与形状的个体差异及年度稳定性。连续3a内弗栎平均单株种子产量分别为2.32kg(变幅0.00~8.51kg)、1.38kg(0.03~5.61kg)和2.92kg(0.40~6.58kg)。整个林分种子脱落过程历时长达80~100d,落籽量的累计分布十分吻合Logistic模型,种子年产量的69.79%~82.56%在11月上旬至12月上旬的40d内脱落。26株相同母树的种子产量存在显著的株间差异和年度差异(P≤0.0013),单株种子产量的年度变异系数值变化于9.78%~138.76%。种子脱落开始期、高峰期、停止期的早迟也存在极显著的株间和年度差异(P≤0.0005),年度相关较高(r=0.42~0.67**)。种子百粒质量、种子长度、种子宽度和形状指数(种子长宽比)的株间差异极显著(P≤0.0004),但年度差异不明显,年度相关更高(r=0.64**~0.87**),种子形状是最稳定的特征。该研究表明,10a左右的弗栎人工林具有相当高的种子生产能力,但单株间种子产量的差异巨大,年度稳定性较差;种子脱落期和种子形态特征的个体变异极其丰富,且较稳定;通过长期观察,可以识别出相对稳定的高产型、低产型和早熟型、晚熟型母树。 In a 9-to 11-year-old Live oak (Quercus virginiana) plantation with density of 1 200 trees per hectare, which located at the sandy saline soil of Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, the fallen seeds from 35 ~ 42 trees randomly selected were periodically collected and weighted from October to January for three years. The variation and stability of annual seed yield, fall-off rhythm, seed size and form characteristic of same trees were studied. The mean seed yields per tree in 2012, 2013 and 2014 were 2.32 (0.00 ~ 8.51 ) kg, 1.38 (0.03 5.61 ) kg and 2.92 (0.40 ~ 6.58 ) kg, respectively. The process from beginning to closing of seed dropping for a plantation lasted as long as 80 ~ 100 days, and they were highly coincident with Logistic model. The 69.79%82.56% of annum seed yield were fallen within 40 days from first 10 days of November to that of December. The seed yield of the 26 trees showed extreme variation among individual trees and years (P ≤ 0.001 3 ), and the annu- al variation coefficient of individual seed yield ranged from 9.78% to 138.76%. The early and late orders of ini- tial, peak, and closing period of seed dropping displayed notable differences among individual trees and years ( P≤ 0. 000 5 ), and higher year correlations ( r = 0.42 -0.67 ). The 100-seed-weight, seed width, seed length and form index (length/width) showed significant differences among trees (P≤ 0. 000 4), but not between years. The yearly correlations were higher ( r = 0.64 - 0.87 ), and the seed form was the most stable character. The resear- ches indicated that the Live oak plantation aged about 10 had fairly high seed production capacity, but the differ- ences of seed yield among individual trees were huge, and unstable year correlations. Variations of seed fall-off peri- od and seed size were extremely rich and with high year stability . Through long-term observation, some types of mother tree with relatively stable high or low yielding, and early-or late-maturing cou
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期524-530,共7页 Forest Research
基金 浙江省"十二五"农业新品种选育专项竹木育种协作组课题(2012C12908-19) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(RISF2013003)
关键词 弗吉尼亚栎 种子产量 脱落过程 种子形态 变异 相关 Quercus virginiana seed yield fall-off process seed form variation year correlation
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