针对当前湿地监测系统存在的人力浪费严重、部署不灵活等问题,设计并实现一种基于Zig Bee和GPRS的物联网技术的湿地无线监测系统。该设计将Zig Bee技术低功耗、易组网的特点与GPRS技术远距离通信的特点相结合,成功的运用到湿地监测上,建立远程湿地无线监测系统;该系统将Cluster-Tree路由算法和AODVjr路由算法相结合,在数据传输过程中有效的防止了RREQ的泛洪,提高了数据传输的成功率。通过以黑龙江扎龙自然保护区湿地为实验区进行实时监测,结果表明:此系统能够实现对湿地的远程实时无线监测,具有功耗低、成本小、误包率低等优点,对湿地的监测保护具有一定的意义。
In view of the problems such as serious human resources waste and awkward deployment in the current wetland monito- ring system, a wireless monitoring system for wetlands is designed and implemented based on ZigBee and GPRS IOT technologies. The characteristics of ZigBee technology in terms of low power consumption and easy to organize network and GPRS telecommunications technology are successfully combined and applied in wetland monitoring and a remote wireless monitoring system is established for wet- lands. The system combines Cluster-Tree routing and AODVjr routing algorithm, which can effectively prevent RREQ flooding in the data transmission process, and improve the success rate of data transmission. By taking Heilongjiang Zhalong Nature Reserve wetland as an experimental area for real-time monitoring, the practical monitoring indicates that this system is able to achieve real-time wireless remote wetland monitoring, with low power consumption, lower cost, lower error rate and other advantages, which has a certain sig- nificance for monitoring and protection of wetlands.
Forest Engineering