人类胚胎干细胞研究是 2 0世纪 90年代以来生命科学的一大热点。干细胞作为机体内的一种特殊类型的细胞 ,具有自我复制、自我更新、多向分化的潜能。科学家们预测 :随着干细胞研究的不断深入 ,将为治疗白血病、神经退行性疾病等带来新的希望。然而 ,人类胚胎干细胞的研究同时引发了世界范围的生物伦理大纷争。
Human embryonic stem(ES)cell research has been current hotspot of life science since 1990s.The stem cell is a kind of special and essential cell type found in human body,which can not only be amplified and self renewed,but can be derived into many kinds of cell lines.Scientists forecast that deeper research of ES cells will offer hope of new cures for leukemia,neurodegenerative diseases,and so on.While at the same time,stem cell research leads an important bioethical debate in the all world.
Chinese Medical Ethics