

Talca's Cube
摘要 本文在没有指明互文性的背景下,在前文中阐明其主旨在于揭示建筑师与地域之间可能的关联。正是这种互文性的逻辑让作者引入他人在多元化领域中的照片和文字,随后与表达再现的装置融为一体,以此为线索解决在建筑师与地域之间的关联上,"规划"作为动词被弃置时出现的问题。 In the text, there is no specific mention about intertextuality, but nevertheless, in its early reading, it falls into account that it is the way in which the relation that might exist between architect and territory is tried to be unveiled. It is this intertextual logic that allows the author to include photographs and paragraphs from other authors into the text which add, from diverse disciplines, to the installation of representation as a clue to solve the problem that appears when planning as a verb is discarded from the entailment between architect and territory.
出处 《世界建筑》 2015年第6期116-123,142,共8页 World Architecture
关键词 智利 塔尔卡 建筑学 本土 塔尔卡大学 地域 景观 规划 Chile, Talca, architecture, local, University ofTalca, territory, landscape, planning
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