
海绵城市:2015低影响开发国际会议概要 被引量:1

Sponge City: Overview of the 2015 International Low Impact Development Conference
摘要 "海绵城市"是中国最近的低影响开发概念首创,它正改变着中国政府的决策程序以及相关专业雨洪管理和整体建成环境的实践。政府,专业人员和学界都对这个概念首创做出了回应,恰似海绵一样,大量吸收来自全世界的知识、技术和最佳实践以推动中国城市的绿色基础设施和灰色基础设施建设。也正是此对于海绵城市活动的热情,引导了这篇会议概要的创作,不外乎是2015年低影响开发国际会议的主题与海绵城市非常契合。文章广泛和局部纵深地介绍了低影响开发会议的汇报以及会前研讨会的相关内容,以激发更多适合中国国情的研究和实践思想的产生,同时避免重复开发前人已经取得的成果。 "Sponge City", a recent low impact development initiative in China, is transforming China's governmental decision-making process and relevant professions' practices on stormwater and the built environment as a whole. The government, professionals and academia in China are responding to such initiative like a sponge in absorbing as much knowledge, skills and best practices from all over the world to advance its green and grey infrastructure in cities. This enthusiastic movement, i.e., sponge city, leads to the current overview of a recent conference with a theme that is especially fitting: the 2015 International Low Impact Development (LID) Conference. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the breadth and depth of the presentations and pre-conference workshops of the LID Conference as an attempt to trigger additional research and implementation ideas that are unique to China and avoid reinventing the wheels that are already developed and implemented.
出处 《南方建筑》 2015年第3期8-13,共6页 South Architecture
关键词 绿色基础设施 政策 土壤 雨洪管理 green infrastructure policy soil stormwater management
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