

A Method of Driver Isolation Based on Virtual Machine
摘要 针对驱动程序故障率高,易引发系统内核故障的问题,利用虚拟化技术执行环境隔离的特性,设计了一种基于虚拟机的驱动隔离机制。采用将执行应用程序的客户机的驱动由特定的驱动客户机执行的方法,将客户机驱动故障隔离在一个指定的驱动客户机中,避免驱动故障导致应用客户机发生错误,从而保证应用程序的正常运行,提高系统的可靠性。最后,对该方法的功能和性能进行了测试。测试结果表明,基于虚拟机的故障隔离机制能够有效地隔离驱动故障,并且额外开销小,性能损失小。 In allusion to the kernel problems caused by driver with high failure rate, driver isolation mechanism based on virtual machine was proposed. In the virtual machine isolation environment, isolate the driver from the application guest OS to specific driver guest OS, then avoid the driver fault cause application guest OS fails, thereby enhancing the reliability of the computer system. At last, the thesis test the function of the driver isolation system and the system performance.The results show that, the virtual machine-based driver isolation mechanism can effectively isolate the driver faults, and there is a little overhead and a little performance loss.
出处 《电子技术(上海)》 2015年第7期64-66,63,共4页 Electronic Technology
关键词 驱动 隔离 虚拟机 系统可靠性 driver isolation virtualization system reliability
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