The phase coded signal causes widely attention and is applied in current radar antijamming field since its code pattern agility among pulses, thumbtack ambiguity funcion and inexisistence of LPI capabilities like range and Doppler ambiguity. Doppler mismatch may occur when the system is detecting high speed targets since phase coded echo may be modulated by Doppler frequency owing to target movement; this will damage phase relation among phase modulating codes, and the related processing will occur mismatch phenomenon,and the output main lobe is low, and side lobe upscending. More practical applied conic fitting partial pulse compression curve is studied ac-cording to m sequence code pulse compression changes as mismatch of target speed and target Doppler tolerance re-lation. The automatic estimation of global optimal compensation is implemented according to pulse compression re-sult of 3-point Doppler compensation. The proposed algorithm is featured with simple implementation process and easily realization in engineering.
Fire Control Radar Technology