
磁与超声波复合车辆位置识别算法 被引量:1

Wireless Magnetic and Ultrasonic Compound Sensor Node for Vehicle Detection
摘要 针对可抛撒无线传感器节点落地姿态对磁探测性能的影响和单一磁探测无法精确识别车辆位置的问题,在分析磁轴偏转对垂直分量和磁偏角影响的基础上,提出磁与超声波复合车辆位置探测方案。利用三轴合成磁感应强度作为预警信号唤醒超声波传感器后,与超声信号复合识别车辆位置。通过改进的多中间状态机检测算法,区分出无目标状态、预警状态、位置识别状态和触发状态。实验分析表明,当目标从正上方通过时,磁与超声复合探测能识别出车辆中间位置,误差在50cm的范围内,并能抑制目标侧向通过时的虚警率。 In order to solve the problem that the posture of wireless sensor network(WSN)node has an influence on magnetic detecting performance,and single magnetic detection cannot distinguish the position of target accurately,the influence of magnetic axis deflection on vertical component and declination was analyzed,and a method of compound detection based on magnetism and ultrasonic was proposed.Ultrasonic sensor was awakened by magnetic induction warning signal,and two road sensors recognized accurate position of the vehicle collectively.State machine algorithm was used to process the signal to distinguish different states:no target,warning,recognition and trigger.Finally an experiment was put forward to compare the characteristics of energy method,frequency domain method and the method of compound sensors.The compound method would be touched off when the target passed above only,and the trigger positions wound be clustered within the range of50 cm in the middle of the vehicle.
出处 《探测与控制学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期10-14,共5页 Journal of Detection & Control
关键词 超声 复合探测 多中间状态机 车辆位置识别 magnetic ultrasonic compound detection state machine vehicle position recognition
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