
中国地震台网现状及其预警能力分析 被引量:13

Status quo of China earthquake networks and analyses on its early warning capacity
摘要 本文讨论了影响地震预警能力的决定性因素.通过对我国现有地震台网布局、数据传输延时和台网运行状况等方面的讨论,对能否满足地震预警需求进行了分析,并对台网现状的改进提出了相应的建议.总体来说,中国地震台网现状并不能满足地震预警需求,除了需要对台网进行加密和提高相应的运行率之外,还应对现有数据采集器和实时传输软件进行必要升级,以达到地震预警对数据延时的需求. This paper discussed the decisive factors affecting the ability of earthquake early warning.Based on the distribution of existing seismic networks,data transmission delay and network running state,we analyzed whether they meet the needs for earthquake early warning,and made corresponding recommendations in order to improve the situation.Results show that the status quo of China earthquake networks did not meet the needs for earthquake early warning.Therefore,besides raising the network density and its operation rate,we should upgrade the existing seismic data acquisition system and real-time transmission software so as to satisfy the data transmission demand for earthquake early warning.
出处 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期508-515,共8页 Acta Seismologica Sinica
基金 中国地震局测震台网青年骨干培养专项(20130217)资助
关键词 地震预警能力 盲区 数据传输延时 台网布局 capacity for earthquake early warning blind area data transmission delay layout of seismic networks
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