
制造业企业商业模式分析 被引量:13

An Analysis on Business Models for Manufacturing Enterprises
摘要 随着信息化和经济全球化进程的不断推进,企业面临的市场环境更加复杂多变。企业之间的竞争不再局限于产品、技术和资本的竞争,而是上升到商业模式的竞争。制造业作为我国国民经济的支柱行业,面临着转型升级的巨大压力,对其商业模式的研究具有重要意义。本文首先对商业模式的概念进行回顾;然后分析传统制造业向现代制造业转变的过程中商业模式的变化;接着从信息化、服务化和绿色化3个角度对现代制造业企业的商业模式进行剖析;最后,本文针对制造业企业商业模式创新提出一些政策建议。 With the advance of the information revolution and economic globalization, entrepreneurs are now living in a more volatile and complex market environment than before. The competition between companies is now not only limited in products, technology and capital, but also the competition between different business models. As a pillar industry of the national economy, Chinese manufacturing industry is facing more pressure and challenge in transformation and upgrading, which has important sense on the study of business model. This research starts with a review of the studies on business models, following by the analyzing the changes of business models when the traditional manufacturing industry transforms to the modern manufacturing industry. Then the different business models of the modern manufacturing industry are discussed from three perspectives, i.e., informatization, servitization and greening. At last, we make a summary and present several policy suggestions on the innovation of business models for Chinese manufacturing industry.
出处 《科技促进发展》 2015年第2期167-176,共10页 Science & Technology for Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71003057 71373262) 负责人:乔晗 国家自然科学基金项目(71390330 71390331) 负责人:汪寿阳 国家自然科学基金项目(71301160) 负责人:胡毅
关键词 商业模式 制造业企业 信息化 服务化 绿色化 business model manufacturing enterprises informatization servitization greening
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