

The Study of EEG Response to Music and Hobby Stimulations in DOS Patients
摘要 研究严重意识障碍患者对音乐和嗜好刺激的响应机制,比较哪种刺激的脑电信号响应程度更高。研究采集严重意识障碍患者样本12例,应用小波变换方法计算患者在音乐和嗜好刺激前后的脑电信号小波能量值变化量并进行统计分析,比较两种不同刺激间的脑电响应。结果表明,嗜好刺激对于严重意识障碍患者的响应程度显著大于音乐刺激,为临床对意识障碍患者实施嗜好刺激的合理性提供了实验依据。 This work is to research the mechanism of EEG response to music and hobby stimulation in patients with severe disorder of consciousness and to compare which one has greater EEG responsive degree under different stimulations. In this paper,to compare the different EEG response to different stimulations in the vegetative state( VS) and minimally conscious state( MCS),12 patients with severe disorder of consciousness were selected in this study. Changes of EEG's wavelet energy value before and after the stimulations were calculated and statistically analyzed using wavelet transform method under music and hobby stimulations. Results show that EEG energy change under patient's hobby stimulation is significantly greater than that under music stimulation. This study provided an experimental foundation for clinical trerapy by means of patient's hobby stimulations for patients with severe disorder of consciousness.
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期93-96,共4页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30770685 31300939) 国家国际科技合作专项资助项目(2014DFG12570)
关键词 严重意识障碍状态 嗜好刺激 音乐刺激 小波变换 脑电信号 severe disorders of consciousness hobby stimulation music stimulation wavelet transformation electroencephalogram
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