目的:探讨积极护理干预对住院精神病患者冲动行为的影响。方法将243例住院精神病患者随机分为研究组(127例)和对照组(116例),研究组予以积极的护理干预配合药物治疗,对照组予以药物治疗,进行4周的观察。结果入组时两组的NOSIE评分差异无统计学意义( P〉0.05),治疗4周末研究组NOSIE量表的激惹、精神病理低于对照组,社会能力因子分高于对照组;研究组在观察期间冲动行为的发生率低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P〈0.05)。结论对住院精神病患者进行积极的护理干预,能够显著降低其发生冲动行为的风险,并对患者的社会功能有一定的改善作用。
Objective To explore the effects of active nursing intervention on impulsive behavior of hospital-ized patients with psychosis. Methods A total of 243 hospitalized patients with psychosis were randomly divided into study group and control group for 4-week of treatment, Study group to be active nursing intervention with drug treat-ment, and control group was treated with drug therapy. Results There was no significant difference between the NOSIE score (P〉0. 05) when all the patients were divided into two groups, after 4-week treatment, NOSIE scale irritability, psychopathology in study group were lower than those of control group, but social ability factor was higher than that in control group; there were significantly differences on occurrence rate of impulsive behavior between two groups. Conclusions Active nursing intervention can significantly reduce the occurrence of impulsive behavior risk and improve social functionin hospitalized patients with psychosis.
international journal of nursing
Nursing intervention
Patients with psychosis
Impulsive behavior