
基于非线性光纤环形腔镜的全光阈值器 被引量:3

All-Optical Thresholder Based on Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
摘要 基于非线性光纤环形腔镜(NOLM)及光子晶体光纤(PCF)的自相位调制效应(SPM),实现了一种适用于光子神经元的全光阈值器。所使用的PCF非线性系数为16.98(W·km)-1,同时在NOLM中引入可调隔离器。PCF及可调隔离器的使用,缩短了NOLM的腔长,同时降低了阈值器对输入光功率的要求。该全光阈值器对光信号的消光比可提高6 d B以上。由于全光阈值器中所有的组成器件均为无源光器件,因此能够处理高速率光信号。该全光阈值器在其他光通信系统中也具有广阔的应用前景。 An all-optical thresholder based on the nonlinear optical loop mirror(NOLM) and the self-phase modulation(SPM) of photonic crystal fibers(PCF) which can be used in photonic neuron is achieved. The nonlinear coefficient of PCF is 16.98(W·km)^-1, while a tunable isolator into the NOLM is also introduced. Due to the use of highly nonlinear PCF and tunable isolator, it requires shorter cavity length and lower input power. By using the alloptical thresholder, optical signal extinction ratio can improve more than 6 d B. All devices in the all- optical threshoder are passive, therefore it is good for high speed optical signals. The all-optical thresholder also has broad application for other optical communication systems.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期132-137,共6页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 国家自然科学基金(61378061) 北京市自然科学基金(4132035 4144080) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20120009110032)
关键词 光纤光学 全光阈值器 非线性光纤环形腔镜 光子晶体光纤 光子神经元 fiber optics all-optical thresholder nonlinear optical loop mirror photonic crystal fiber photonic neuron
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