研究了画稿溪斑野螟的种类多样性及区系.结果表明,画稿溪斑野螟共42属59种,其中中国特有种3种,四川新记录16种.区系研究结论:从世界动物地理区划看,画稿溪自然保护区斑野螟亚科已知属均为跨界分布,12种分布型中,世界广布属所占比例最高,为21.43%;画稿溪斑野螟已知种共有9种分布型,其中以东洋-古北两界共有种为主,东洋界-古北界-澳洲界种类次之,再其次为东洋界特有种类.从中国动物地理区划看,画稿溪斑野螟已知种共有15种分布型,以华中区-华北区-西南区-华南区分布型所占比例最高,占23.73%;华中区-华北区-华南区次之,占15.25%;华中区-华北区-西南区和华中区-华北区皆占10.17%;其余各分布类型所占比例较小.区系相似度分析结论:画稿溪与浙江天目山相似度最高,达0.493 5;其次为浙江清凉峰、重庆四面山、贵州麻阳河、福建武夷山;与河南宝天曼、山西历山、广东鹤山的相似度很低.
The species diversity of the subfamily Spilomelinae(Pyraloidea:Crambidae)from Huagaoxi National Nature Reserve of Sichuan Province was investigated and the faunal composition was analysed.Here totally 59 species belonging to 42 genera are reported,of which 3species are endemic to China,and 16 are firstly recorded from Sichuan.The genera of Spilomelinae from Huagaoxi show 12 distributional patterns among the zoogeographical regions of the world,of which the genera widely distributed in the world have the largest proportion,accounting for 21.43%of the total.The 59 species show 9distributional patterns in the zoogeographical regions of the world:57.63% of them are mainly distributed in Palaearctic and Oriental regions;11.86%in Palaearctic,Oriental and Austrilian regions;and 10.17% are endemic to Oriental region.And in Chinese zoogeographical regions,these Spilomelinae species from Huagaoxi show 15 distributional patterns:14species,accounting for 23.73%,are distributed in Central-China,North-China,Southwest-China and South-China Regions;9species,accounting for 15.25%,in Central-China,NorthChina and South-China Regions;and 6species,accounting for 10.17%,in Central-China,North-China and Southwest-China Regions and in Central-China and North-China Regions.Only a few species contribute to the other distributional patterns.Huagaoxi and Tianmushan of Zhejiang have the greatest similarity index(SI,0.493 5),followed by Qingliangfeng of Zhejiang,Simianshan of Chongqing,Mayanghe of Guizhou and Wuyishan of Fujian.The SI of the rest is less than 0.300 0.All the specimens examined are deposited in the College of Plant Protection,Southwest University,Chongqing,China.
Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)