
我国页岩气开发扶持政策研究——以涪陵国家级页岩气示范中心为例 被引量:2

Study on Supportive Policy of Shale Gas Exploration in China——A Case Study on Fuling National Shale Gas Demonstration Center
摘要 我国页岩气开发处于初级阶段,产业发展缓慢,存在着财政优惠政策不完整、技术扶持政策不足、管网设施不充分和环保政策不全面等政策问题。为此,在对照美国开发经验、参照涪陵页岩气示范中心开发实践的前提下,提出完善我国页岩气开发扶持政策建议:(1)完善页岩气开发财政优惠政策,鼓励民营企业进入页岩气开发行列;(2)加大科研技术政策投入,培养专门技术人才;(3)形成竞争性管网建设格局,促进基础建设发展;(4)制定页岩气环保专门政策,最大限度降低环境影响。 Shale gas exploration is still in the early stage in China, and there're several problems in this industry: for example, the slow industrial development speed, incomplete financial incentive, inadequate technical supportive policies, inadequate network facilities and incomplete environmental policies and other policy issues. In this study, after studying relevant development experiences in United States and the practices in Fuling national shale gas demonstration center, we put forward some recommendations to the supportive policies in shale gas exploration: Firstly, we should improve the shale gas exploration financial incentives to encourage more private enterprises to enter this industry. Secondly, we should add more investment in research of scientific and technology policies, and to train more specialized technical staffs. Thirdly, we should build a competitive pattern of pipeline construction in order to promote the infrastructure development. Fourthly, we should make special policies for shale gas environmental protection in order to minimize the environmental impact.
作者 李世祥 万佩
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2015年第7期44-47,共4页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(13AZD078) 中国地质大学(武汉)资源环境经济研究中心开放基金(H2013005A)
关键词 页岩气 扶持政策 涪陵示范区 成功经验 政策建议 shale gas support policy Fuling demonstration area successful experiences policy suggestion
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