目的:探讨渐进式平衡踏板训练对脑卒中后患者下肢功能恢复的影响。方法:选取步行功能分级在2级以上的脑卒中患者58例,随机分为渐进式平衡踏板(Thera-band)组(30例)和平板运动组(28例)。Thera-band组患者在不同等级的平衡踏板上渐进进行坐、单腿站立、双足站、下蹲、交换双脚踩踏等运动(站立动作均在平衡杠内完成,根据患者肢体运动能力进行选择),平板组在平板上进行慢走或快走练习,训练过程均应保证患者不跌倒。两组训练时间为12周,每周5次,每次30 min。训练前后,采用Berg平衡量表、坐—站试验、身体柔韧度、6分钟步行试验、改良Barthel指数对患者的下肢功能进行评估。结果:训练后,两组患者检测Berg平衡量表、坐—站试验、身体柔韧度、6分钟步行试验及改良Barthel指数均较训练前改善(P<0.01)。Thera-band组患者Berg评分及改良Barthel指数均较平板运动组显著增高(P<0.05),但其它指标两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:渐进式平衡踏板训练和平板运动均能明显改善脑卒中后患者的下肢功能,但渐进式平衡踏板相比平板运动能够更好地改善患者的平衡能力和日常生活能力;在下肢肌力及耐力、柔韧度及步行能力方面,两种训练效果差异无统计学意义。
Objective: To examine the effects of exercise with progressive stability trainers on lower limbs function recovery in post- stroke patients. Methods: 58 post- stroke patients( above level 2 of functional ambulation category) were randomly divided into two groups: Thera-band progressive stability trainers exercise group( n = 30)and treadmill walking group( n = 28). Patients of Thera-band progressive stability trainers group did exercise with sitting,single leg standing,standing on both legs,squats,pedaling on the stability trainers with different level,parallel bars could be used as support. Patients of treadmill walking group did exercise on the flat. The two groups did exercise for 30 minutes a day and 5 times a week. All patients should be protected from falling down during exercise. Assessment were performed before and after exercise on Berg Balance Scale( BBS),chair stand,flexibility,6 minute-walk and Modified Barthel Index. Results: After 12 weeks exercise,lower limbs function of two groups with BBS,chair stand,flexibility,6 minute-walk and Modified Barthel Index were improved than before( P〈0. 01). BBS and Modified Barthel Index of progressive stability trainers group improved better than those in the treadmill group( P〈0. 05). Additionally,there were no significant difference between the two groups in other parameters( P〉0. 05). Conclusion: These two exercise interventions are both beneficial to lower limbs function in post-stroke patients. Balance ability and activities of daily living of patients in progressive stability trainers exercise group is improved better than treadmill group. In terms of muscle strength and endurance of lower limbs,flexibility and walking ability,patients in the two groups show no significant difference.
Modern Medical Journal
progressive stability trainers
treadmill exercise
lower limb function