Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to a performance cost associated with previously attended locations (or items). It has been suggested that this inhibitory attention mechanism evolved to maximize visual sampling (Posner & Cohen, 1984) and can facilitate visual search by decreasing the probability of attention returning to previously inspected locations (Klein & MacInnes, 1999). The reference frame of IOR is one of the hotly debated theoretical questions in the IOR literature. Previous studies have shown that IOR can be encoded in retinotopic, spatiotopic, and even object-centered representations.In Posner and Cohen's (1984) seminal paper on IOR, it was reported that IOR resided in spatiotopic representations. By improving the cueing task Posner and Cohen (1984) used to probe spatiotopic IOR, Maylor and Hockey (1985) confirmed Posner and Cohen's (1984) conclusion, showing that only spatiotopic IOR could be revealled when the spatiotopic and retinotopic coordinates were dissociated with a saccade intervening the cue and target. More recent studies, however, have shown that IOR can be coded in both spatiotopic and a retinotopic presentations (Hilchey, Klein, Satel, & Wang, 2012; Math?t & Theeuwes, 2010; Pertzov, Zohary, & Avidan, 2010; Satel, Wang, Hilchey, & Klein, 2012). With a graphical meta-analysis of the data available in the literature, we show that the spatiotopic IOR is relatively stable over time, whereas the retinotopic IOR quickly dissipates following the intervening saccade.In addition to the stability of the visual environment, there is a pressing need to keep track of objects in the dynamic world as stable, continuous entities. Tipper, Driver, and Weaver (1991) found that IOR could be tagged to a placeholder after it moved to a new spatial location, suggesting that IOR can also be coded on object-centered representations. Tipper et al.'s (1991) finding was confirmed and extended in several follow-up studies (e.g., Tas, Dodd, & Hollin
Journal of Psychological Science
inhibition of return
reference frame
spatial attention
object-based attention