
中国从“世界工厂”到国际产能合作——中国在全球生产价值链中地位的提升 被引量:7

China's Role from the “World Factory”to International Cooperation Capacity-Promotion of China's Position in the Global Production Value Chain
摘要 改革开放30多年来,中国依靠对外开放政策以及廉价的劳动力、土地成本,承接了大量的国际生产外包订单,充当了"世界工厂"的角色,获得了贸易和经济的快速增长。但近年来内部和外部形势都发生了显著的变化,中国参与全球价值链分工到了一个主观上必须转型、客观上不得不转型的十字路口。从国际经验看,扩大对外直接投资,通过境外设厂、成立合资公司、开展跨境收购兼并等活动,是很多国家向海外延伸或调整产业链布局、转移国内优势产能、提升制造业国际竞争力的重要手段。本文探讨和回答了中国在全球价值链中究竟处于什么位置、什么发展阶段,在向价值链高端迈进过程中需要什么样的发展路径和政策支持。 Since reform and opening up for more than thirty years,China,relying on the policy of opening up to the outside world and cheap labor,land costs,have undertaken a large number of international outsourcing of production orders,acting as the 'world factory',obtained a rapid growth in trade and economy.But in recent years,the internal and external situation have undergone significant changes,China has come to a transitional crossroad subjectively and objectively in terms of participation in global value chain.Judging from international experience,expanding foreign direct investment through overseas factories,joint venture and carrying out cross-border mergers and acquisitions and other activities has become important measures for many countries to extend or adjust their distribution of chain overseas,to transfer domestic superiority production capacity,and to improve their international competitiveness of their manufacturing sector.The paper explored and answered what kind of development path andpolicy support needed for China in the proceeding of global value chain,and China's exact position,and its stage of development in the process.
作者 丁学东
出处 《全球化》 2015年第7期12-20,共9页 Globalization
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