目的通过分析总结成牙骨质细胞瘤的临床及影像资料特征,以期提高临床医生对该病的诊断及鉴别。方法回顾性总结分析14例成牙骨质细胞瘤患者的临床及影像资料。结果 14例成牙骨质细胞瘤患者就诊年龄11~58岁,中位年龄21.0岁,平均年龄27.6岁;男女各7例;好发于下颌骨;最常见的症状是颌骨肿胀和疼痛。特征性影像表现:与病变牙根融合的类圆形包块影,可见完整的包膜影像,与周围骨质分界清晰。肿瘤实质一般为团块状高密度影。根据肿瘤实质密度不同可分为均质型和非均质型。此外病变周缘常可见骨质增生硬化,下颌下缘骨密质增厚。结论成牙骨质细胞瘤在临床及影像表现上有其较明显特征性,临床医生应充分认识这一病变以免误诊。
Objective To assess the clinical and imaging features of cementoblastoma for diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Methods Clinical and imaging data of 14 cases were selected for this retrospective study. Results A total of 14 cases of cementoblastoma patients with ages at diagnosis ranging from 11 years to 58 years(mean age, 27.6 years; median age, 21.0 years). The tumor affected 7 patients from each gender. The mandible was the main site of occurrence. The most common complaints were swelling and pain. Radiographic results showed that cementoblastoma typically presented as a well-circumscribed and radiopaque mass confluent with the involved tooth root and surrounded by a thin and uniform radiolucent border. Tumor parenchyma was generally mixed-density, which could be divided into two types, namely, homogeneous and heterogeneous patterns. Other significant imaging features included the periphery bone of the lesion sclerosis and cortical thickening of the lower edge of the mandible. Conclusion Obvious characteristics are found in the clinical and imaging findings of cementoblastoma. Accurate recognition of this lesion is significant in clinic to avoid misdiagnoses.
West China Journal of Stomatology