
沿海热带常绿季雨矮林树干附生地衣分布规律 被引量:5

Distribution of trunk epiphytic lichens in the coastal tropical evergreen monsoon elfin forest
摘要 为了了解沿海热带常绿季雨矮林中树干附生地衣的分布规律,在海南文昌铜鼓岭自然保护区沿海热带常绿季雨矮林固定样地基础上,选取20个20 m×20 m样方,采集并记录季雨矮林中群落重要值前20的树种及树干附生地衣的相关数据,对地衣与宿主胸径、种类间的关系,地衣在宿主上的分布高度、方位朝向及相关环境因子间的关系进行分析。结果表明,该地区树干附生地衣在宿主上的分布盖度与宿主本身的相对密度、相对频度呈正相关,但与宿主的重要值并无明显相关性;地衣主要分布在宿主胸径为1.5-13.5 cm、高度为0.6-1.4 m的区间,其中1.2-1.4 m为最佳高度范围;进一步证明了地衣喜好生长于与样地坡向方位一致的树干朝向,在调查区东南方向上地衣分布较多;在湿度、光照强度、海拔3种影响因子中,光照强度对地衣分布的影响显著性较大。 In order to understand the distribution regularities of epiphytic lichens in tropical evergreen monsoon elfin forest, 20 plots (20m × 20m) were randomly selected in the permanent sample plot established in TongGuLing nature reserve, Wenehang city. The relevant data of the epiphytic lichens on the trunk of the trees with the important value prioritized at the top 20 were collected. The relationship between lichen species and the DBH of the host species, their distribution height, orientation and related environmental factors were analyzed. The results indicated that the coverage of the lichens was positively correlated with the host' s relative density and frequency; the lichens mainly occur in the east south and southeast aspect of the trunk of the host species, which was consistent with slope aspect of the selected large plots; the diameter of 1.5-13.5 cm and the height of 0.6-1.4 m was the main distribution range for the lichens on the trunk of the host species, with 1.2-1.4 m the optimalrange; among the environmental factors, light intensity had the strongest effect on the distribution of epiphytic lichens.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2015年第13期146-152,共7页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 海南大学"研究生联合培养基地 实践基地"项目
关键词 分布规律 树干附生地衣 宿主 热带常绿季雨矮林 distribution trunk epiphytic lichens host tropical evergreen monsoon elfin forest
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