
基于构件损伤的防屈曲支撑钢框架易损性分析 被引量:7

Vulnerability Analysis of Buckling-restrained Brace Frame Based on the Component Damage
摘要 为研究防屈曲支撑钢框架在地震作用下的结构损伤程度,首先建立框架柱、框架梁与防屈曲支撑各构件的损伤模型,通过加权系数法合理地考虑各构件的权重系数与重要性系数,建立楼层损伤模型,考虑楼层权重系数,最终建立了能够反映构件损伤、楼层损伤及整体结构损伤的防屈曲支撑钢框架结构地震损伤模型,并给出了防屈曲支撑钢框架的损伤状态及相应的损伤指数范围;同时考虑地震动不确定性与结构不确定性对防屈曲支撑钢框架进行IDA分析,对比不考虑结构不确定性与考虑结构不确定性时结构不同损伤程度的易损性曲线;最后对比了采用以结构最大层间位移角与所建立的结构损伤指标为评价指标时结构的易损性曲线。结果表明:在非倒塌状态下,二者区别不大;在倒塌状态下,考虑结构不确定性时对数标准差明显增大。 Buckling-restrained brace frame structure with a rational damage order and failure mechanism under the action of earthquake,could be regarded as the ideal structural system with multichannel seismic line. To research the damage of buckling-restrained brace frame under earthquake,floor damage model based on damage models of frame column,frame beam and buckling-restrained brace members using the weighted partial coefficient method was used to build the global damage model and the damage states and corresponding damage index range of buckling-restrained brace frame were defined by combining the damage indexes. Buckling-restrained brace frame structure vulnerability curves considering the ground motion uncertainty and uncertainty of the structure were compared by IDA analysis. The results showed that,in the collapsed state,the difference is not obvious,and under the collapsed state,logarithmic standard deviation increased when considering structure uncertainty. The fragility curves were compared by using the maximum inter storey displacement angle and the damage index structure of the structure.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期61-68,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
基金 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划资助项目(2011KTZB03-02-02) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51178388) 陕西省教育厅重点实验室科研计划资助项目(11JS059 12JS055) 重点实验室访问学者资助项目(12JS056)
关键词 防屈曲支撑钢框架 构件损伤模型 整体损伤模型 易损性分析 结构不确定性 buckling-restrained brace frame component damage model global damage model vulnerability analysis structure uncertainty
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