
黄河口及邻近水域矛尾虾虎鱼资源丰度的时空分布 被引量:14

Spatiotemporal variation in the distribution and abundance of Chaeturichthys stigmatias in the Yellow River estuary and adjacent waters
摘要 根据2013年6月、8月、10月以及2014年2月、4月、5月在黄河口及邻近水域获取的6个航次的渔业资源和环境调查数据,研究了黄河口及邻近水域优势种矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)资源丰度的时空分布,并利用广义可加模型分析了其与时空和环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:矛尾虾虎鱼主要集中分布于37.80°N–38.20°N,119.00°E–119.40°E 的水域。矛尾虾虎鱼资源丰度月变化明显,8月最大为862 g/h,其次6月资源丰度为521 g/h,5月最小。底层水温和底层盐度对矛尾虾虎鱼资源丰度的时空分布有显著影响。黄河口及邻近水域矛尾虾虎鱼分布的底层水温适宜范围为17~22,℃底层盐度适宜范围为18~27。水温、盐度在河口区变化范围较大,矛尾虾虎鱼能较好地适应河口区底层温度、盐度等环境因子的变化,成为河口定居性主要优势种。 The fine spot goby Chaeturichthys stigmatias is a dominant species in the fish assemblage of the Yellow River estuary and adjacent waters and is important in the estuarine ecosystem and the local fishery. Sustainable exploi-tation and fishery management of this species requires knowledge of its spatiotemporal distribution and the influencing environmental factors. Bottom trawl surveys were conducted and environmental factors including sea bottom tempera-ture (SBT), sea bottom salinity (SBS), and depth were concurrently measured in June, August, and October of 2013 and in February, April, and May of 2014. A generalized additive model (GAM) was used to examine the spatial and tempo-ral patterns of distribution of C. stigmatias and the relationship between its abundance and spatiotemporal variation in environmental factors. C. stigmatias was found to mainly inhabit waters north of 37.80°N and west of 119.00°E. The spatial distribution of C. stigmatias differed distinctly among months. In June, August, and October of 2013, the goby was mainly distributed in inshore areas of the Yellow River estuary, while abundance was higher in offshore waters in February 2014.The average abundance as catch per haul per hour varied monthly. At 862 g/h, abundance was highest in August, followed by June with 521 g/h, and abundance was lowest in May. The environmental variables explained 34.8% of the variation in abundance of C. stigmatias, and sea bottom temperature and salinity significantly influenced the spatiotemporal distribution. GAM indicated that the abundance of C. stigmatias was high when bottom temperature was 17–22℃; thus temperature was a major factor driving patterns of distribution and abundance of C. stigmatias. Abundance was highest in areas with salinity of 18–27 ppt where marine and fresh waters mixed. Abundances were low in offshore waters with high salinity and in low salinity estuarine waters. The abundance of C. stigmatias was not cor-related with depth, likely because of the relatively shall
出处 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期791-798,共8页 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目(201303050)资助
关键词 黄河口 矛尾虾虎鱼 环境因子 空间分布 Yellow River estuary Chaeturichthys stigmatias environmental factors spatial distribution
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