

A Follow-up Analysis of Negotiation of TTIP and China's Concern
摘要 根据TTIP九轮谈判公布的资料,列举TTIP谈判的进展,从而得出这九轮谈判呈现的特点包括:纵向来看,随着谈判的推进,谈判议题逐渐具体化和缩小化;横向来看,前三轮更多集中在市场准入这一核心议题,第四和第五轮为形成初步文本的过渡阶段,后四轮则重点探讨监管与规则这两个核心议题;总体来看,市场准入初具雏形,监管议题继续讨论,规则问题尚不完整。TTIP对中国和中国对TTIP实质上是一个双向影响过程。就TTIP谈判的趋势而言:TTIP谈判仍然充满波折,估计最晚在2017年以前,最终很可能以打折扣的形式签订一个初步协议,即部分议题达不到预期高标准、部分议题达不成共识。中国应根据谈判进度和发展趋势,做好应对之策。 According to documents released by the U.S.and the EU about negotiation of TTIP,the paper analyses the progress and features of the negotiationes.The authors find three features about the negatiations.The first one is,vertically,topics for discussion tend to be more concrete and narrower.The second is,horizontally,the first three rounds focus more on market access,and then the fourth and fifth rounds are transition period for working out draft documents,and the last four rounds concentrate mainly on discussion of supervision and regulation.The third one is negotiation of market access has almost been finished,supervision needs further discussion,and regulation has not been totally worked out.Besides,the article does a research on interactive relationship between China and negotiation of TTIP.As a result,the paper predicts the development trend of negotiation of TTIP.In other words,there are lots of problems to be solved,and the negotiation of TTIP may be finished by reaching an initial agreement before 2017,which means some of the negotiations can't reach the high level as expected,and some fail to have consensus.Finally,some useful suggestions are put forward to respond to the potential influence on China from TTIP.
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期17-23,79-80,共7页 International Forum
基金 钮维敢主持的国家社科基金项目“冷战后美国两洋同盟演化与国际格局转型研究”(13CKS029)阶段性成果之一 2014年江苏省社会科学基金课题“实现‘中国梦’进程中的亚太秩序困境研究”(批准号:14SZB002)的阶段性成果之一 江苏政府留学奖学金资助
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