
ISO的起源及其三个发展阶段——墨菲和耶茨对ISO历史的考察 被引量:9

The Origin of ISO and its Three Development Phases—— Study on the History of ISO by Murphy and Yates
摘要 本文通过墨菲和耶茨对ISO历史的考察,介绍了早期的标准化运动、ISO发展的三个历史阶段,以及墨菲和耶茨的部分观点。早期标准化运动的理想是协商民主;在标准化运动中热衷于标准化的工程师们都是国际主义者,主张以过程为导向,服务于公共利益。英国国家委员会和IEC在上世纪初开发的在技术委员会中制定标准,以及协商一致的方法后来被ISO所采纳,并一直延续至今。ISO从一开始成立就是非政府组织,其发展的三个阶段是:形成能力的阶段、帮助世界市场建立物理基础设施的阶段以及扩大领域的阶段。作者同意墨菲和耶茨对于协商一致标准化方法采用的表述——"协商民主",认为这实际上是对于标准化的社会属性进行了定义;但是也指出,他们关于ISO"实现了制定唯一标准的目标"这一结论与事实并不完全相符。 This article introduces the study on the ISO's history by Murphy and Yates, including standardization movement at early times, three development phases of ISO, and some perspectives of Murphy and Yates. The ideal of standardization movement was deliberate democracy. The engineers were internationalists enthusiastic about standardization, advocating process-oriented approach and serving public interest. The consensus approach and standards developed in TCs by British National Committee and IEC at the early 20th century, have been adopted by ISO from then on. ISO is a non-governmental organization from the beginning. Its three phases are: gaining capability, helping to set up physical infrastructure for the world market and expanding scope. This article agrees with Murphy and Yates on "deliberate democracy" for consensus standardization approach, regards it as the definition for the social attribute of standardization. It also points out that their conclusion for "achieving the objective of developing a single standard" oflSO does not completely accord with the reality.
作者 王平
出处 《中国标准化》 2015年第7期61-67,共7页 China Standardization
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"标准化对自主创新与产业发展的作用机理及相关公共政策研究"(项目编号:71373137) 国家自然科学面上项目"国家自主创新体系国际化理论与政策研究"(项目编号:71033001)资助
关键词 国际标准化 历史 协商一致 民主 治理 international standardization, history, consensus, democracy, governance
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