
混沌理论对新古典经济学的影响研究 被引量:2

Study on the Impact of Chaos Theory on Neoclassical Economics
摘要 与制度主义经济学、凯恩斯主义对新古典经济学研究范式的“保护带”所做的批判不同,混沌理论由于其基本特征与新古典经济学的基本假设之间存在矛盾而对新古典经济学研究范式的“硬核”(包括均衡、偏好稳定以及理性选择)提出了挑战。当然,将混沌理论的出现看成为一个新的经济学研究范式的“起飞”的观点还无法得到证实。 Since its essential features contradict the fundamental assumption of Neoclassical Economics, the Theory of Chaos challenges the hard core (including equilibrium, steady preference and rational choice)of the mainstream research program, which is different from the critique to the protective belt made by the institutional economics,Keynesian and so on. However,the view has not been proved which regards the outcome of the Theory as the takeoff of a new paradigm for economics studies.
作者 曾军平
出处 《上海财经大学学报》 2002年第4期32-37,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
关键词 混沌理论 新古典经济学 微观理论 宏观理论 均衡理论 理性选择 Theory of Chaos Neoclassical economics hard core equilibrium
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