目的 :探讨超声心动图在心内膜垫缺损(ECD)分型中的诊断价值及应用。方法:回顾性分析我院172例经超声诊断为ECD患者的超声心动图特征及临床资料。结果:在172例ECD患者中,完全型89例占51.7%(其中A型58例,B型7例,C型24例),中间型5例占2.9%,过渡型8例占4.7%,部分型70例占40.7%。瓣叶发育不良及瓣叶裂(106例占61.6%)为ECD患者最常合并的心内伴发畸形,其次为继发孔型房间隔缺损(44例占25.5%)。复杂心内畸形多发生于完全型ECD。23例手术患者术中分型与术前超声分型一致。结论:超声心动图对ECD的分型及合并畸形可以做出准确诊断,为临床制定合适手术方案提供可靠的参考依据。
Objective: To observe the diagnostic significance and application value of echocardiography in detecting endo- cardial cushion defect (ECD). Methods: We performed a retrospective review of 172 patients with ECD diagnosed by echocar- diography in our hospital, and their echocardiographic characters and clinic datas were studied. Results: Among all 172 cases of ECD, 89 cases (51.7%) were with complete type: type A occurred in 58 cases, type B in 7 cases and type C in 24 cases. Five cases(2.9%) were with intermediate type, 8 cases(4.7%) were with transitional type and 70 cases(40.7%) were with partial type. Valve hypoplasia and valve cleft (106 cases, 61.6%) were the most common accompanied endocardial malformations in patients with ECD, the second was secundum atrial septal defect(44 cases, 25.5%). While the complicated endocardial malfor- mations were seen more often in complete type. Twenty-three cases were confirmed by surgery. Conclusion: Echocardiography can make accurate diagnosis about the classification of endocardial cushion defect and the associated abnormalities, and pro- vide comprehensive reference information for making operation strategies.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging