目的 分析2014年福建省首起布鲁杆菌病(简称布病)爆发原因,为及时采取有效措施,避免疫情的进一步扩散与蔓延提供依据.方法 采用流行病学爆发调查方法,在福建省漳州市某县上报布病病例的疫点,与当地农业部门同时开展人间与畜间疫情调查.将疫点养羊场的17名职业人员,以及在距离该养羊场最近的东、南、西、北四个方位各选取一个养殖场,包括2家养猪场,1家养羊场和1家养牛场的9名职业人员纳入调查对象,开展布病血清学检测及职业人员布病认知情况调查.对疫点262只羊以及距离疫点约5公里的另一家养羊场的50只羊血清进行布病抗体检测,同时调查羊只来源.结果 共调查26人(疫点地区17人),发现7例感染者,感染率为26.9%(7/26).感染者均来自疫点养羊场,疫点感染率为41.2%(7/17),其中5例阳性感染者,2例隐性感染者.共对312只羊进行血清学检测,疫点羊布病抗体阳性率为46.2%(121/262),邻近另一家养羊场未发现布病抗体阳性羊只(0/50).感染方式中无防护接羔及死胎处理感染率均为100.0%(7/7).被调查的职业人群中,有92.3%(24/26)的人不了解布病的临床症状和体征,仅有11.5%(3/26)的人在工作时采取防护措施.结论 此次布病爆发疫情传染源为疫点的染疫羊,无防护的接胎及死胎处理是主要的传播途径,羊感染率高、职业人群对布病的认识匮乏和防护缺失以及动物检疫空白是疫情发生的危险因素.
Objective To investigate the first human brucellosis outbreak in Fujian Province,aiming to identify the source,risk factors of infection,and recommend control measures.Methods Epidemiological investigation was conducted by combining with agricultural sector on human and animal in the incident area of Zhangzhou City of Fujian Province.Respondents included 17 professionals from the outbreak sheep farm,as well as 9 ones from four nearest farms (including 2 pig farms,1 sheep farm and 1 cow farm) in directions of eastern,southern,western and northern.Then information of cognitive level and daily protection on brucellosis among pasture breeding staffs through case studies were got,serum of pasture breeding staffs and animals was collected (including 262 from the outbreak sheep farm and 50 from another sheep farm which nearly 5 kilometres away) to detect brucellosis antibody,and sheep sources were investigated simultaneously.Results A total of 26 people were detected,the infection rate was 26.9% (17 people,in the epidemic area),the other four farming units without brucellosis infection.In epidemic focus,seven human infections (5 confirmed cases,2 asymptomatic infected) were identified,with an infection rate 41.2% (7/17) and the brucellosis antibody positive rate among sheep was 46.2% (121/262),while no positive sheep in the nearest sheep farm (0/50).Both unprotected lamb handling and stillbirth treatment got a 100.0% infection rate.Among the investigated professional staffs,92.3% (24/26) had no awareness of clinical symptoms and signs of brucellosis,while 11.5% (3/26) took protective measures when working.Conclusions Unquarantined sheep is the infection source of this brucellosis outbreak,unprotected lamb handling and stillbirth treatment are the main route of transmission.High sheep infection rate,lack of brucellosis awareness,precaution missing among pasture breeding staffs and animal quarantine are all contributing to this outbreak.
Chinese Journal of Endemiology