

Research and implementation of game development framework based on component module
摘要 为解决传统游戏引擎导致的灵活性不足等问题,提出一种组件化的Ostrich游戏开发框架并进行研究。研究用于游戏引擎的3D数学理论,给出Ostrich游戏开发基本框架和应用程序架构的分析以及部分接口的设计,包括加载器、数学库、渲染引擎等,在此基础上,提供一个简单的游戏程序示例,对框架的设计进行验证,验证结果表明该框架可行有效。 To solve the problem brought by the traditional game engine,an Ostrich game development framework was proposed based on component and its structure was studied.The 3D mathematical theory used in the game engine was studied,and then the analysis of framework and other parts of the design of the interface were given,including the loader,math library,rendering engine,etc.On the basis of the above,a simple game demo was provided for testing the design of the framework,and the demo verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the framework.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2015年第7期1981-1986,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 广东省教育部产学研结合基金项目(2011B090400085) 广东省教育厅质量工程基金项目(JY130303) 华南理工大学广州学院科研基金项目(B1130009)
关键词 游戏引擎 灵活性 面向对象 组件式 封装 game engine flexibility object oriented component encapsulation
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