Socialist market economy is one of the most important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Market economy has never become an independent economic system. It can only be attached to the specific mode of production as a kind of economic means and methods to exist and play a role and be used to serve the development of the mode of production and the fundamental interests. The market economy have to be adapted to the requirements of the socialism. The mode or the basic paradigm of the socialist market economy is that the Party must be in the control position, the Party manages the whole production in accordance with the socialist market planning, so as to achieve the liberation of mankind and each individual's comprehensive and free development step by step. Market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources and the better play of the role of government is under the overall goal of the socialist system. Under the condition of socialism, the leading role of government and the decisive role of market in allocating resources are not contradictory. Market economy is not a fair economy, and it is not a law economy.
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