目的探讨BNP对稳定型心绞痛患者再发心绞痛的预测作用。方法选取我院心内科接收的50例心绞痛治疗的患者为对象,根据治疗成功后是否出现复发现象将其分为两组,复发组(25例)和未复发组(25例)。测量治疗前的BNP浓度,待治疗成功后对其BNP浓度再进行一次相应的测量,对比两组患者各项指标变化情况,分析BNP对稳定型心绞痛患者再发心绞痛的预测作用。结果在BNP浓度上,未复发组比复发组要高;BNP在预测稳定型心绞痛患者再发心绞痛的准确率方面,比血糖、血压、心脏超声等指标预测准确率高。结论 BNP对稳定型心绞痛患者再发心绞痛的预测作用明显,准确率较高。
Objective To study the BNP in patients with stable angina recurrence of angina pectoris.Methods 50 cases of angina pectoris patients treated with as the object were chosen in our hospital,according to whether relapse after treatment success phenomenon to be divided into two groups,recurrence group(25 cases) and group(25 cases) without recurrence.The BNP concentrations of measured before treatment,after treatment after the success again for the BNP concentration in the corresponding measure,compared two groups of patients,the changes of the indicators analysis of BNP in patients with stable angina recurrence of angina pectoris.Results On the BNP concentration,not relapse than recurrence group obviously higher; BNP in predicting the accuracy in patients with stable angina recurrence angina,than blood glucose,blood pressure,heart,such as ultrasonic index prediction accuracy is high.Conclusion BNP in patients with stable angina recurrence angina pectoris prediction effect is obvious,high accuracy.
China Continuing Medical Education