

The evaluation of the severity of nocturnal oxygen desaturation of patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome~
摘要 目的评估阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者夜间缺氧程度。方法收集在我科诊治的225例OSAHS患者,记录患者呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、呼吸暂停时间(AT)、低通气时间(HT)、呼吸暂停低通气时间指数(AHTI)、氧减指数(0131)、最低血氧饱和度(MiniS02)、平均血氧饱和度、氧饱和度低于90%的时间占监测时间的百分比(TS90%)、Epworth嗜睡评分(ESS),并进行相关分析。结果根据AHI划分OSAHS病情严重程度,以5次/h≤AHI〈15次/h为轻度OSAHS组,15次/h≤AHI〈30次/h为中度OSAHS组,AHI≥30次/h为重度OSAHS组。各组ODI,平均血氧饱和度,MiniS02,Ts90%差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),ODI,Ts90%,平均血氧饱和度,MiniS02与AHI的相关系数r分别为0.862,0.649,-0.536,-0.649。结论OSAHS患者缺氧严重程度的评估需结合ODI、Ts90%、平均血氧饱和度、MiniSO2综合判断。 Objective To evaluate the severity of oxygen desaturation of patient with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syn- drome (OSAHS). Method To record data of 225 patients with OSAHS in First People's Hospital of Jingmen, including Apnea-hy- popnea index(AHI), apnea time(AT), hypopnea time(HT), oxygen desaturation index(ODI), minimum oxygen saturation(MiniSO2), TS90% and Epworth Sleepiness Scores were analyzed. Result The severity of OSAHS based on AHI was divided into three groups, mild group with 5/h ≤AHI 〈 15/h, moderate group with 15/h≤AHI 〈 30/h, and severe group with AHI ≥30/h. In each group, average oxygen saturation, MiniSO2, ODI and TS90% have statistical significance P〈O.001, and separately with AHI were -0.536, 0.649, 0.862, -0.649. Conclusion The best method of expressing the severity of oxygen desaturation of patients with OS- AHS need the combination of several indices of oxygen desaturation (average oxygen saturation, MiniSO2, ODI, TS90%).
出处 《医院与医学》 2015年第1期74-76,共3页 Hospital and Medicine
关键词 睡眠呼吸暂停 阻塞性 低氧血症 氧减指数 血氧饱和度 Sleep apnea Obstructive Hypoxemia Oxygen desaturation index Oxygen desaturation
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