目的:探讨以游离趾蹼皮瓣修复相邻两指腹创面的方法和临床效果。方法2010年4月至2012年8月,采用游离趾蹼皮瓣修复了7例相邻两指腹创面患者,均伴有深部指骨、肌腱等组织外露,术后随访观察皮瓣、供区愈合情况,检测关节总主动活动度(total active motion,TAM)、两点辨别觉(2-point discrimination,2-PD)等指标了解患指感觉、功能恢复情况。结果术后7例皮瓣全部成活,1例供区植皮部分坏死,经二期清创换药后愈合。术后均获随访,随访时间平均26个月,皮瓣质地、外形满意,供区瘢痕不明显,末次随访时(1年以上):患指TAM 235°-265°(健侧255°-270°);2-PD平均6.8 mm(4.5-8.5 mm),健侧平均4.1 mm(3.5-7.0 mm),供区对侧区平均9.5 mm(8.5-12.5 mm)。患者自我评价:好6例,中1例,差0例。结论游离趾蹼皮瓣修复相邻两指创面具有外形美观、感觉和功能恢复满意、供区损伤小等优点,是较理想的修复方案。
Objective To assess the application of free toe web flaps to repair finger pulp defect.Methods A total of seven patients underwent the surgery from April 2010 to August 2012 due to finger pulp defect, with the phalanges and tendon exposed.The postoperative follow-up schedule included observation of finger flap and wound healing at donor sites as well as detection of total active motion (TAM) and 2-point discrimination (2-PD) to assess sensory and func-tional recovery.Results All flaps survived after surgery, while one skin graft was partially necrotic but healed after sec-ondary debridement and dressing change.All patients were followed up during twenty-six months on average.The tex-ture and appearance of the flaps were satisfactory with an inconspicuous scar at donor sites.At the latest follow-up ( 1 year), the affected finger has TAM of 235°-265°(255°-270°for the contralateral finger); the mean 2-PD of 6.8 mm (4.5-8.5 mm, 4.1 mm on average for the contralateral finger, ranging from 3.5 mm to 7 mm), and the mean con-tralateral area of 9.5 mm at donor sites (8.5-12.5 mm).For patient self-assessment, six patients scored themselves as good, and one scored himself/herself as average, without poor evaluation.Conclusion Free toe web flaps can be a-dopted to repair finger pulps, with the advantages of beautiful appearance and satisfied sensory function recovery with less injury at donor sites.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Xuzhou
surgical flaps
toe web
finger injury