河北隆化县七家温泉历史悠久,洗浴、治病历史可远溯到隋、唐。温泉泉眼有6处,水温为30~80℃。温泉水的热储温度达174.96℃,循环深度为3 175 m。利用电法、磁法等物探方法对温泉村地热田进行勘查,确定了北北东向的两家-锦山断裂为控制地热田发育的深断裂构造,温泉多沿该断裂呈带状分布。近东西向断裂切断了两家-锦山断裂,并产生错移,使地热田分成南北两段,南段多为高温地热井群,北段广泛分布中低温温泉群。七家温泉的成因可描述为大气降水在两家-锦山断裂北段地势较高的开启处入渗地下,沿断裂通道与深部推测隐伏岩体(即热源)沟通,并获得加温,继续循环在构造交汇处涌出形成温泉,是典型的断裂-深循环型温泉。
The Qijia Hot Spring in Longhua County of Hebei Province has a long history can be dated back to the Sui and Tang dynasty. There are six hot springs, springs range from 30 to 80 degree centigrade. The temperature of the geothermal history, it's bathing and healing and the temperature of these hot reservoir estimated with geother- mometers is about 74.96 degree centigrade. The thermal groundwater is estimated to circulate at 3175m depth. The electrical and magnetical surveying in this area shows that the Liangjia-Jinshan Fault ( F1 ) tends in the north- east direction, and it's the main fault which controls the heat transfer of the Qijia Hot Spring. The hot springs lies along the Liangjia-Jinshan Fault. Other faults tends in the east direction cut the Liangjia-Jinshan Fault, making two different thermal areas in Wenquan Valley, the south part has some high temperature wells, but the north has many mid-low hot springs. The precipitation originates from meteoric waters infiltrate through the high level open structures in the north part of the Liangjie-Jinshan Fault. The cold groundwater connects the conjectured deep and concealed rock (heat source) through fault channels, and gets heated by the heat source. It continues to flow in fragmented rocks in fault cross zones and gathers in the zone, some of the thermal groundwater exposes in fault cross areas and becomes hot springs, which is the typical fault-deep circulation hot spring. The development and usage rate of the Qijia Hot Spring is low now, synthetical and terraced usages of these thermal resources should be applied.
Journal of East China University of Technology(Natural Science)
hot Spring
thermal Goundwater
forming Condition
thermal geology