近年来,随着技改和扩建,箱式储丝也称为烟丝库物流系统在各大卷烟厂相继建立,其生产灵活、质量可控的优点是显而易见的,但相比传统的柜式储丝,系统对箱式储丝的信息存储和跟踪提出了更高的要求。本文以"中华专线"成品烟丝库为例,介绍西门子MOBY D RFID系统的具体应用。
In recent years, along with technological upgrading and expansion, box- type wire, also known as storage of tobacco logistics system in cigarette factories have e^tablished, its production of flexible, controllable quality advantage is obvious, but compared with the traditional cabinet, storage system for box-type store the information storage and tracking of silk put forward higher requirements. This paper, taking "the line" product of tobacco ribrary as an example, introduces Siemens MOBY D concrete application of the RFID system.