目的研究分析瘢痕子宫再次妊娠的分娩方式选择,以及观察其对剖宫产率与母婴并发症的影响。方法回顾性分析2012年8月至2014年8月我院收治的瘢痕子宫再次妊娠病人84例的临床资料。结果 84例孕产妇中符合阴道试产分娩指征为63例,有53例选择并顺利实施阴道分娩,阴道分娩率为63.1%(53/84例);另外10例虽然符合阴道试产分娩指征,但是选择剖宫产分娩;其余21例符合剖宫产分娩指征,均顺利实施剖宫产分娩,剖宫产率为36.9%(31/84例)。剖宫产分娩并发症的发生率为64.5%(20/31例),其中9例发生盆腹腔粘连,3例发生子宫破裂,4例发生产后出血率,3例发生前置胎盘率,1例发生胎盘植入。结论应该注意及把握孕产妇瘢痕子宫阴道试产的适应症与禁忌症,瘢痕子宫再次行剖宫产的临床并发症比较多,要严格控制并采取有效的预防措施,努力减少瘢痕子宫再次剖宫产术后并发症的发生。
Objective To study delivery mode choice of uterine scar re-pregnancy , and to observe its effect on the rate of cesarean section and mother-infant complications .Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical data of our hospital in 2012 August -2014 August of re-pregnancy in scar uterus in 84 patients . Results 84 cases of pregnant women in accordance with vaginal delivery indications of 63 cases, 53 cases were selected and the smooth implementation of vaginal delivery , vaginal delivery rate was 63.1% (53/84 cases);another 10 cases while meet the vaginal trial production delivery indications , but the choice of cesarean delivery;the remaining 21 patients with cesarean section indications both , the smooth implementation of cesarean delivery , cesarean section rate was 36.9% (31/84 cases).Cesarean section and the incidence of complications was 64. 5% (20/31 cases), including 9 cases of abdominal and pelvic adhesion in 3 cases of uterine rupture in 4 cases, the rate of postpartum hemorrhage , 3 cases occurred rate occurred in 1 cases of placenta previa , placenta implantation .Conclusions We should pay attention to and grasp the maternal uterine scar of vaginal delivery of the indications and contraindications , scar uterus for clinical complications of cesarean section is more , should strictly control and take effective preventive measures , efforts to reduce the recurrence of uterine scar after cesarean complication .
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
Scar uterus
Cesarean section