
基于CORS的GPS拟合高程技术在城市管网控制测量中的应用 被引量:4

Based on CORS of GPS Fitting Height Technology Application in Urban Pipeline Networks Control Measurements
摘要 长春市已经建立的连续运行卫星定位参考站系统能够提供实时高精度平面位置的定位,但是,高精度的似大地水准面精化技术未投入实际应用,使得空间第三维信息的获取未做到简洁、高效。如果将CORS技术和GPS拟合高程技术相结合,将能实现真正意义的空间高精度实时三维动态定位,从而代替繁重的几何水准测量。 The high - precision GNSS real - time dynamic positioning technology and GPS fitting height technology has become a sci- ence, the area of geodesy research focus, Changchun City has established the Continuous Operation Reference Station System, with the CORS technology can provide real - time dynamic positioning plane location ; and Quasi - geoids refinement of the technology enables access to information on the third dimension of space means more compact and efficient ; if combine the CORS technology, with GPS fitting height technology, it will be able to achieve true real - time three - dimensional dynamic positioning , to replace the heavy fourth order leveling.
作者 马云飞 李宏
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2015年第7期169-171,共3页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
关键词 CORS GPS拟合高程技术 高程异常 CORS GPS fitting height height anomaly
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