为了对我军的管理信息系统进行客观的评价,设计一种基于平衡记分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)的军事信息系统评价指标。通过分析BSC的原理和特点,参照传统平衡计分卡的4个要素,将军事信息系统平衡记分卡的4个视角重新定义为:效费比视角、用户满意度视角、内部管理视角、创新与发展视角,依据每个视角的侧重点明确视角的各层指标项,通过专家调查法分别确定视角和指标项的权重,最后通过德尔菲法(即专家意见打分法)得出评价结果。分析结果表明:该方法客观、公正地将所有的评价指标都进行了量化,使其对每一个军事信息系统都能够给出一个定量的评价。
With the rapid development of high technology, the military information construction has entered a period of rapid development. Currently, various information systems which in use or under construction presented in different fields. However, the relative evaluation system which is used to measure them still not established. Thus, the performance of various military information systems needed to be evaluated based on suitable indicator system so that the applicability and efficiency of them can be improved.Balanced Scorecard method which is the most cutting-edge management evaluation system method has been introduced into the research of summarizing the most useful and appropriate indicators for evaluating system.
Automation & Instrumentation